Global Ecosystem Database / Internal database for IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology and IUCN Red List of Ecosystems / Data management: José R. Ferrer Paris @ UNSW CES

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Global Ecosystem Database

This is an internal database for the IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology and IUCN Red List of Ecosystems, created by José R. Ferrer Paris @ UNSW CES, and intended for research.

Please visit the official IUCN RLE assessment database, the official IUCN RLE portal and the official IUCN RLE Global Ecosystem Typology for more information on these global initiatives.

IUCN RLE assessments

A summary table of the content in the RLE databases is provided below. Some basic information is stored in SQL tables, while detailed assessment descriptions are available in XML documents.

There are 81 references with 101 assessments for a total of 2103 distinct assessment units in the database. Some assessment units might have two or more assessments with different protocols.

References and assessment units per protocol

Assessment protocolRisk categoriesReferencesAssessmentsAssessment unitsOverall category (for units in DB)
(expected)(in DB)NEDDLCNTVUENCRCO-Totals
CH RLL 2016IUCN RLE1116717916827482312179
DEAT 2011NONE111
EU RLH 2017IUCN RLE33850693490490
HELCOM 1998HELCOM 199811100
IUCN RLE v1.0IUCN RLTS23939322238493
IUCN RLE v2.0IUCN RLE244335634321166735063231343
IUCN RLE v2.1IUCN RLE66127127351634105127
IUCN RLE v2.2IUCN RLE2525185377221761588916015799111772
KR 2009IUCN RLTS11381
RBRC 2007IUCN RLTS221010142310
RLH Norway 2011RLH Norway 201111808093222142180

Assessment protocol

IUCN RLE refers to the IUCN Red List of Ecosystem criteria in their different versions: v2.0 refers to the version published by Keith et al. 2013, v2.1 refers to the version published in the original version of the Guidelines (v1.0, Bland et al. 2016), v2.2 refers to the version published in the updated version of the Guidelines (v1.1, Bland et al. 2017).

Other acronyms are used for alternative or modified protocols, when these have been described in the corresponding publication. For example EU RLH 2017 refers to the protocol used by the European Union Red List of Habitats (modified from RLE v2.0), and RBRC 2007 refers to a older proposal by Rodriguez, Balch and Rodriguez-Clark in 2007 that predates the official IUCN RLE protocols.

AD HOC is used when the assessment is based on analysis that do not follow an specific, standardized protocol. They might be quantitative or qualitative assessments of risk, but seldom describe a reference end-point.

Risk categories

IUCN RLE refers to the IUCN Red List of Ecosystem categories (from Least Concern to Collapsed, including Data Deficient and Not Evaluated). Some older assessments used the same categories as the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN RLTS). Other acronyms refers to set of categories described in the corresponding publication. NONE is used when no categories are used, and the author refers to quantitative values of loss, degradation or risk.